Monday, June 04, 2007


What I took away from Emerge 2007:
To praise and worship the Lord no matter how horrible you feel, no matter what you are going through.
To cast all your troubles and burdens on the Lord and He will comfort you.
To continue to love, even the unlovable. A hug is always nice. Imperfect we may be, the Lord still loves us.
God can use us with whatever we have for the glory of His kingdom, as long as we are willing.
A willing heart, broken to You.
These are not merely just words. I've never felt Him so real before.
And I know I know I know, I made the right decision to let go. (:

"you're the one i really want. why why why cant you see that ))):"
From Nat's blog.
I can understand her tremendous frustration. Well, helplessness too.
It really reminds me of myself.
Or , I should be saying.. "Why can't you let me love you?"
Haha, the constant search for love?
The perfect other?
We young people, haha.
I have ceased to think that way, at least for the time being.
Really, at the end of the day, God's love transcends everything else.


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